All About Accessibility: Enabling a More Inclusive Classroom

Equity was a priority for school systems prior to 2020; however, the pandemic has focused attention on the continuing need to create more equitable education environments. The interruption of in-person learning environments has impacted everyone, but has particularly challenged those with specific learning needs. Students deserve the resources and support they need to fully engage…

Next-Generation Data Strategies and Solutions

One of the starkest new realities for schools during this pandemic era is that data is more important than ever. From basic back-office operations to sophisticated AI instructional techniques, processing student information is essential for everyday district operations, whether in-person, hybrid, or remote. Join eSchool news and a panel of experts to discuss how data…

Thank You For Registering Part 2: How Sharing Unlocks the True Power of Your Teachers’ and Students’ Video Creations

Thank you for your registration. You will receive an email with additional information including the link to attend the webinar from Zoom within the next few days.    Educator-focused video creation technology has changed the game for content distribution, helping districts knock down content silos and facilitate better communication with students, families, and even colleagues….

All About Accessibility: How Microsoft Solutions Can Help Enable a More Inclusive Classroom

Equity was a priority for school systems prior to 2020; however, the pandemic has focused attention on the continuing need to create more equitable education environments. The interruption of in-person learning environments has impacted everyone, but has particularly challenged those with specific learning needs. Students deserve the resources and support they need to fully engage…

Gauging the Impact of Personalized Learning

Personalized learning is more critical than ever to help students recover lost learning and social-emotional growth as well as assist educators in dire need of solutions. While advances in edtech have helped make personalized learning techniques more efficient, scalable, and achievable for educators over the last decade, many strategies were forced to take a back…

Fostering Student Well-being with Microsoft Education Solutions

Well-being directly affects students’ motivation, engagement, and learning and has a long-term impact. Skills such as self-awareness and self-management are also critical for effective collaboration and learning. Supporting overall student and educator well-being, creates a foundation for equitable education environments. In part two of this webinar series, attendees will learn how to: Develop and enable…

Blended and Hybrid Learning – The Future of Education

Blended and hybrid learning models were first introduced to extend personalized and flexible learning options to selected individuals or groups of students. But with onset of the pandemic, widespread adoption of blended and hybrid models suddenly became a necessity across all student populations. Two years later, how have districts overcome the initial challenges and applied…

Follow the Money – Insights from K-12 Experts

How districts can take advantage of the great federal funding cashout. As school district leaders across the country cautiously look forward to post-pandemic teaching and learning, they are also eyeing what may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to upgrade their technology infrastructure and classrooms with next-gen solutions like interactive displays, laptops, and more. In 2020 and…

Using Federal Grants to Hire Personnel: Advice for Districts

Hiring additional reading and math coaches, counselors, school psychologists, and other support staff is a key strategy for meeting students’ academic and social-emotional learning needs. However, when school systems use federal funding for personnel expenses, they must have a plan in place for tracking and reporting the time and effort that employees spend on grant-funded…