Fast Company’s 10 Most Innovative Education Companies in 2022

Mike Palmer reports from the road in Austin, Texas to talk about missing bats, his quick takes on the SXSW EDU conference, and the challenges and opportunities of ambiversion before diving into Fast Company’s list of the most innovative companies in education for 2022. Who made the list? Were there any surprises? Which company is…

Founding and Growing a Relationship-Based Business College with Dr. Susan Walsh

Dr. Susan Walsh founded Globe Business College in Munich and has spent the last decade and a half perfecting a unique education model that centers on one on one, customized business education for the sons and daughters of family company owners. Susan joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation covering her experiences being born in…

Designing a Learning Platform for Early Childhood with Sunil Gunderia

Sunil Gunderia is Chief Innovation Officer and Head of Mastery & Adaptive Products at Age of Learning, the makers of early childhood learning products like ABC Mouse. Sunil joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about building a personalized learning platform ecosystem for early learners, parents, and educators. We begin by hearing Sunil’s origin story…

Emerging Trends in EdTech, Skilling, and AI with Rahul Singh

Rahul Singh is the Head of the EdTech Business line at the Harbinger Group, a global provider of software products and services since 1990. Rahul joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about emerging trends in educational technology including AR/VR and the Metaverse, AI, Robotics, and the Blockchain. We reference several of Rahul’s articles including one…

Enriching Education with Narrative, Puzzles, and Fun with Chris Ryan and Leslie Kerner

Chris Ryan and Leslie Kerner are the Cofounders of Silverquicken, a rigorous enrichment program for kids aged 9-13, that uses puzzles and immersive narrative to help kids learn while fostering a sense of wonder and fun in their studies. Chris and Leslie join host Mike Palmer to explain what led to the founding of the…

Emerging Trends in Lifelong Medical Education with Matt Riley

Matt Riley is the Co-Founder and CEO at Blueprint Prep where he is redefining lifelong professional prep for students and professionals in the medical and legal industries. He joins host Mike Palmer in an exploration of trends in medical education. We begin by hearing Matt’s origin story in LSAT test prep which culminated in the founding of…