Future-Proof Leadership Literacies, Robots and the Power of Science Fiction with Colonel Chris Mayer

Colonel Chris Mayer is the Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives at the US Military Academy at West Point where he also teaches Ethics and Philosophy. Chris returns to join Mike Palmer to revisit the conversation started during Chris’ first appearance in November of 2019. We review Bob Johansen’s book The New Leadership Literacies as we…

Talking SEL Day and More with Urban Assembly CEO David Adams

David Adams was recently named the CEO of The Urban Assembly, a non-profit organization working to advance students’ economic and social mobility by improving public education. David joins Mike Palmer to talk about the importance of Social Emotional Learning heading into SEL Day on Friday, March 26th. We dive into how awareness of the importance…

The Leadership Balancing Act with Author Andy Temte

Mike welcomes Dr. Andrew (“Andy”) Temte, President and Global Head of Corporate Learning for Kaplan North America and author Balancing Act: Teach Coach Mentor Inspire. We start by discussing Andy’s non-linear career path, and how he embraces the bumps along the way. We also talk about the importance of the whole person and engaging with the behavioral skills…

Building a Makerspace for Kids’ Learning with Cara Lesser

Mike is joined by Cara Lesser. CEO and Founder of the KID Museum in Bethesda, Maryland. Cara starts by describing how she transitioned from working on healthcare policy to growing interested in education as her children entered school. Inspired by the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, she sought to create an institution dedicated to what she felt was…

Building Virtual Reality Learning Experiences with Steve Grubbs

Steve Grubbs is the Founder of Victory XR, a company that specializes in using Virtual Reality to make compelling learning experiences. Steve joins Mike and begins by telling how he has stayed connected to education and technology in different capacities through his professional life before zeroing in on the work he’s been doing of late….

Psychological Safety and the Importance of Culture with Dr. Timothy Clark

Dr. Timothy R. Clark is founder and CEO of LeaderFactor, a training, consulting, coaching, and assessment organization that focuses on leadership development, organizational change, strategic agility, psychological safety, and emotional intelligence. He is the developer of the EQometer assessment and The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety training program. Tim joins Mike Palmer to talk about…

Service Learning, Social Movements and Community Engagement with Dr. Corey Dolgon

Dr. Corey Dolgon is a Professor of Sociology at Stonehill College. He’s an expert in several areas of sociology and service learning and is the author of five books, including The End of the Hamptons: Scenes from the Class Struggle in American’s Paradise (2005) and Kill it to Save it: An Autopsy of Capitalism’s triumph Over Democracy (2017). He recently edited…