Alexis Block is a PhD Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. She’s also the creator of HuggieBot and now HuggieBot 2.0 which have allowed her to do groundbreaking research in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Alexis joins Mike Palmer on this episode to talk through her recent paper on The Six Commandments of Robot…
Category Archives: Blog
Dr. Stephen Kosslyn returns to the show to dive into the topics covered in his new book Active Learning Online with Mike Palmer. What does deep processing really mean and how can its power be unlocked for learning? How do chunking and associations relate to how we learn? What is the dual coding principle and…
Steve Grubbs is the Founder of Victory XR, a company that specializes in using Virtual Reality to make compelling learning experiences. Steve joins Mike and begins by telling how he has stayed connected to education and technology in different capacities through his professional life before zeroing in on the work he’s been doing of late….
Dr. Nicholas Tampio is a Professor of Political Science at Fordham University who recently wrote an opinion piece for the Washington Post about the importance of play in K12 education as we begin to plan for the summer. Nick returns to join Mike Palmer on this episode to explore the risks of rushing kids back…
Mike is joined by Cara Lesser. CEO and Founder of the KID Museum in Bethesda, Maryland. Cara starts by describing how she transitioned from working on healthcare policy to growing interested in education as her children entered school. Inspired by the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, she sought to create an institution dedicated to what she felt was…
Mike welcomes Dr. Leo Casey, the Executive Director of the Albert Shanker Institute who has written a book called The Teacher Insurgency: A Strategic and Organizing Perspective. They begin with Leo’s upbringing by two New York City teachers, how he abandoned his dissertation to teach in Crown Heights, and how he began working with the…
Mark Davis has a 20-year track record of roles of increasing responsibility in the Education field. He left Education soon after the 2016 Election to start a Cannabis company named Mozen. After a four-year run, he sold the company and now is returning to a General Management position in Education. In this 4/20 Special Edition…
Dr. Jonathan Friedman is the Director of Free Expression and Education at PEN America. He joins Mike Palmer on this episode to talk about emerging trends in K12 and Higher Ed in the US relating to Free Speech and Free Expression. You can learn more about what Jonathan and PEN are doing at After…
Dr. Steve Joordens returns to join Mike Palmer in a conversation about the connections between growth mindset and feedback. If growth mindset is the “What,” getting good at giving and receiving feedback is the “How” of learning and personal growth. Steve draws on his experiences as a Psychology Professor and Director of the Advanced Learning…
Dr. Corey Dolgon is a Professor of Sociology at Stonehill College. He’s an expert in several areas of sociology and service learning and is the author of five books, including The End of the Hamptons: Scenes from the Class Struggle in American’s Paradise (2005) and Kill it to Save it: An Autopsy of Capitalism’s triumph Over Democracy (2017). He recently edited…