The Citadel – The Last of the Starks – Trending In Education – Game of Thrones Extra

Our fourth episode of the final season of The Citadel breaks down, The Last of the Starks, Episode 4 of Season 8 of Game of Thrones. Be forewarned, we discuss numerous details of the show so if you’re not a GoT fan or if you haven’t seen the third episode of Season 8, steer clear for fear of spoilage. Brandon, Mike, and Dan make their way through what’s been seen as a disappointing episode four of season eight. We begin in Winterfell for the victory toasts and celebrations, make our way through an uneven meeting betwen Bronn, Jaime, and Tyrion and a ‘surprise’ attack from Euron, and a meeting of the queens. Will Danaerys continue to be the chosen leader of those opposing Cersei or has Jon’s revelation and popularity started to show cracks in her support? Have the show-runners lost their way? Rotten Tomatoes reviews continuing trend downward might answer that question for us. We talk through the coffee cup on set, Jaime and Brienne’s time together, and much, much more. 

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