Talking Social Emotional Learning with David Adams

David Adams, the Senior Director of Strategy at The Urban Assembly, joins Mike to explore the many facets of Social Emotional Learning or SEL. David shares his career journey which charts a path through many of the key centers of research in the field along with practical experience in schools in New York City and around the world. He recently co-authored a book titled The Educator’s Practical Guide to Emotional Intelligence.

David expands on how he’s established a cutting-edge SEL program at The Urban Assembly schools in New York and provides tips and insights for educators, parents and the rest of us on how to incorporate emotional learning into the educational experience. We also dig into the role of SEL in navigating a difficult and transformational year like this one.


Of course, there are a few Whitney Houston and Star Wars references in there to keep things engaging. David’s a tremendous resource in the field and we very much appreciate getting his perspectives on the show. We hope you enjoy and learn from the conversation as much as we did.

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