Let’s Clear the Air – Playbook to prevent school closures by keeping indoor air clean

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Is the air in your classroom clean enough?

We have always taken clean air for granted, but with COVID-19 outbreaks and raging wildfires with blanketing smoke, the air we breathe has also become our closest enemy. School closures have pressed health & safety administrators to implement a variety of new strategies to create safer learning environments.

Although safe distancing and sanitizing is still important, we have learned that transmission of the Covid-19 virus and its variants are primarily airborne. Are your air purification and ventilation systems ready to meet the challenge?


In this webinar, you will learn about:

health and safety risks associated with impure air and the need to “up our game” in classroom air purification
regulatory guidelines on indoor air quality and a practical guide to evaluating your present air purification system(s)
your peers’ experiences going through a recent upgrade to fix air quality concerns

Protect your students and staff and create a safe space conducive to learning.


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