How to Center Text in The Middle in Google Docs

Google Docs currently does not have a vertical alignment feature for text.

To center text in the middle of the page in Google Docs, you need to insert a 1×1 table and set a minimum row height.

To calculate the minimum row height, you need to subtract the top and bottom margins from the height of the page.

After you’ve set a minimum row height, you need to align the text to the center and remove the border from the table.

You can remove the border from the table by changing the border width to 0pt.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to center a text in the middle of a page in Google Docs (horizontal and vertical alignment).

Step 1: Insert a 1×1 table

Open Google Docs.Click on “Insert”.Select “Table”.Select a “1×1” table.

You should always select the “1×1” table because you can write multiple lines in it.

You don’t need to use a “1×3” table if you want to write more than one line.

Step 2: Edit the table properties


Enter the text in the table.Right-click the table.Select “Table Properties”.

You can write multiple lines of text in the table.

You can also create paragraphs in the table by pressing “Enter” on your keyboard.

Step 3: Minimum row height and vertical alignment

Expand the “Row” property.Tick “Minimum row height”.Set the “Minimum row height” according to your page setup (e.g. 6 inches).Expand the “Alignment” property.Select “Middle” for “Cell vertical alignment”.


The calculation of the minimum row height is done by subtracting the top and bottom margins from the height of the page.

You can view the height of the page by clicking on File > Page setup.

If you don’t want to do any calculations, you can use the trial and error method to find the right minimum row height.

If you’re using a Letter (8.5 in x 11 in) paper size, the right minimum row height is usually 6 inches.

Step 4: Center align and remove border


Highlight the text in the table.Click on “Center align” on the top navigation bar.Click on the “Border width” option.Set the border width to “0pt”.

After you’ve set the border width to “0pt”, the border will be removed.

You’ve successfully learned how to center text in the middle of the page in Google Docs!

Further reading

How to Start Page Numbers on Page 3 in Google Docs

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The post How to Center Text in The Middle in Google Docs appeared first on Followchain.

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