Category Archives: Blog

Music and Learning – Trending in Education – Episode 146

On this week’s episode, we explore the complex and multifaceted relationships between music and learning. Mike and Brandon kick off the conversation talking about their own experiences with music and learning while exploring some common myths and misconceptions relating to this topic. Then we introduce a new contributor to the pod, Ken Florence. Ken’s a…

Millennial Burnout and Generational Angst Edition – Trending In Education – Episode 160

We tackle a recent article from that explores Millennials as the ‘Burnout Generation’. Does Anne Helen Peterson’s work paint with too broad a brush or do younger generations face a tougher road? How does burnout change the way we might be open to learning? Brandon discusses how every generation faces tough decisions about where…

The Entertainment and Learning Implications of Interactive Media – Trending In Education – Episode 158

The team takes a look at interactive media and interactive video with Netflix’s recently released Black Mirror episode Bandersnatch as a backdrop. We talk through how interactive media has grown and developed over the years from Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books and Role Playing Games to interactive video experiences like what Netflix is now offering. We discuss the…

What Can We Learn About Unlearning? – Trending In Education – Episode 170

This week, we tackle the topic of “unlearning.” We begin by defining what unlearning has meant across psychology, organizational change, and in the classroom and dig into the debate about whether it is truly part of the learning process. Can we truly “unlearn” something or do we build upon or reframe our understanding as new…

Brave New Work and Organizational Change – Trending in Education – Extra

Mike Palmer and Melissa Griffith sit down with Aaron Dignan to talk about his new book, Brave New Work. Aaron walks us his story of writing the book before focusing in on what isn’t working in current organizational environments and how anyone within any organization can help bring about the type of change that is so desperately…

A Conversation with Ron Reed and Greg Rosenbaum from SXSW EDU

We had the great pleasure of sitting down with Ron Reed, Founder and Executive Producer, and Greg Rosenbaum, General Manager, of the learning conference SXSW EDU. Ron and Greg share the origin story of SXSWEdu and explore the emerging trends they’ve seen over the first nine years of the conference.  We talk about community building, the…