Who is kanyewestlover911?

If you’ve seen Kanye West videos on TikTok, you might have seen “kanyewestlover911” in the comments.

Or, you might have seen a “kanyewestlover911” comment.

If so, you might be wondering who is he and why he appears in so many comment sections.

Kanye West (now known as Ye) is arguably the most influential hip-hop artist who made one of the greatest albums of all time—Graduation.

Despite his massive fame, influence, and wealth he doesn’t back down from saying what’s on his mind.

He was recently dropped by Adidas after his anti-Semitic remarks on social media and interviews.

The partnership split erased hundreds of millions of dollars from Kanye’s net worth.

Despite his controversies, Kanye still has millions of fans that will stand by him.

In this guide, you’ll learn who is kanyewestlover911 on TikTok, what he stands for, and his official social media accounts.

Who is kanyewestlover911?

kanyewestlover911 memes

Who is kanyewestlover911?

kanyewestlover911 (also known as KWL911) is a devoted Kanye West fan who has accounts on TikTok and Instagram.

He has defended and stood by Kanye despite his controversies throughout the years.

On TikTok, he has over 825k followers and more than 8.5 million likes across all videos.

On Instagram, he has over 13k followers and a total of 150+ posts.

More recently, kanyewestlover911 rose to popularity after Kanye West’s Alex Jones interview.

In the interview, Kanye made several anti-Semitic remarks that referenced Hitler.

“Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table—especially Hitler”.


The clip went viral on TikTok and many people tagged @kanyewestlover911 for his thoughts.

Other videos referenced the interview and defended Kanye saying that “He Made Graduation“.

“He Made Gradation” is another catchphrase that Kanye’s fans use to defend his controversies.

Graduation is Kanye’s third studio album which was released on September 11, 2007 (hence the “911” in kanyewestlover911’s username).

kanyewestlover911’s real identity is unknown because he hasn’t revealed it yet—but one thing’s for sure—he’ll always be Kanye’s #1 fan.

kanyewestlover911 memes


kanyewestlover911’s first upload on TikTok was a clip from the “Closed On Sunday” music video.

It’s a 27-second clip of the music video where Kanye stands on a mountain and slowly kneels down.

The original music video has over 33 million views and it’s part of his “Jesus is King” album.

The second video that he posted was a video of Kanye interrupting Taylor Swift’s speech at the MTV Video Music Awards in 2009.

Here’s what Kanye said, “Yo Taylor, I’m really happy for you, I’ll let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time”.

The audience had a mixed reaction to what Kanye said with some people cheering and others booing.

The video got over 500k views and more than 2.2k comments.

Further reading

What Does “I Am Atomic” Mean?

What Does He Made Graduation Mean by Kanye West?

What Does Sleeper Build Mean on TikTok?

The post Who is kanyewestlover911? appeared first on Followchain.

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