US troops are still under fire in America’s ‘forgotten war’

Members of the US Army’s 5th Special Forces Group at the Al Tanf Garrison in southern Syria in November 2017.

Many Americans were reminded in late August that the US is actively engaged in military combat.
But the conflict US troops are involved in is not in Afghanistan nor in Ukraine. It’s in Syria.

Many Americans were reminded last week that the United States remains actively engaged in military combat overseas. But this conflict is not in Afghanistan, where the US withdrew its forces last August. Nor is it in Ukraine, where President Joe Biden has gone out of his way to avoid direct military involvement. It’s in Syria.

Last week, the Biden administration authorized airstrikes against Iranian-backed militants in response to rocket attacks on bases housing US forces. While the militants’ rockets resulted in only minor injuries to US troops, reports indicate that the US retaliatory strikes were quite extensive and deadly.

While the Afghanistan War seemed to last “forever” and the war in Ukraine has “fixated” the public for the past six months, the Syrian war appears to be largely “forgotten.”

To be fair, it has generated attention at certain moments, such as when then-President Barack Obama decided not to attack the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in response to the use of chemical weapons in 2013, or when his successor, President Donald Trump, chose to respond with force to a chemical weapons attack in 2017.

There was also much outrage over the brutal killings — including of Americans — by the Islamic State in 2015, as well as angst over the US decision to “abandon the Kurds” — the on-the-ground partners for the US-led coalition that went on to militarily defeated the Islamic State — back in 2019. Even the 2016 vice presidential debate featured a segment on the war.

US troops patrol near the Kurdish-majority city of Qamishli in Syria’s northeastern Hasakeh province on April 20, 2022.

But overall, the Syrian war has failed to hold the US public’s attention, for several reasons.

First, the Syrian war is complex. It is a civil war, with various militant and militia groups engaged in combat against the Assad regime, as well as against one another. Numerous external actors have intervened in the fighting, including the United States, which largely backs the anti-Assad rebels, and Russia, which backs the Assad regime, but also Iran, Hezbollah and Turkey.

The complexity of the conflict and the number of intervening powers makes it analogous to the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s or even the Thirty Years‘ War that embroiled Central Europe in the 1600s.

Not only is the US just one of many actors in the war, but, unlike the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan or the 2003 invasion of Iraq, it was not an initiator or a primary participant in the conflict. Washington has played a largely supporting role as a belligerent — though, unlike in Ukraine, it is a belligerent. This means events like the one last week, where US troops came under direct attack, are few and far between. That, in turn, serves to keep the US involvement in Syria away from the public’s attention.

This does not mean the United States played no role in the conflict’s onset. When protests against the Assad regime emerged in 2011, Obama issued a statement saying, “The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way. For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside.”

Perhaps fearing intervention by Washington, the Assad regime escalated its crackdown on protesters. And perhaps anticipating US support, insurgent groups started fighting back. They were subsequently armed and trained largely by Western forces, including the United States. The war was on, and Obama’s statement may have contributed to the escalation of violence.

But the US was at best tangential to the main drivers of the conflict. The protests against Assad erupted in the wake of the “Arab Spring” pro-democracy movements that spread across the Middle East and North Africa. Those movements largely died out, with the autocratic status quo remaining intact. But some, as in Syria, but also Libya and Yemen, sparked civil wars.

Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Qusair, on June 5, 2013.


Second, there is a perception that US interest in the conflict ended with the military defeat of the Islamic State in 2019. It was the rise of the Islamic State that initiated direct US involvement in the war.

The group, which emerged in Iraq, took advantage of the turmoil in Syria to quickly amass territorial gains. It then attracted widespread attention in 2015, when it reached its peak territorial control in both Syria and Iraq, while was sponsoring terrorist attacks around the world and flaunting its brutal violence in online videos.

When the US-led coalition defeated the organization and eliminated its territorial control, this suggested, at least to the American public, that the war was over. At minimum, that should have meant the end of US involvement in the war. It did not.

The Islamic State gained prominence because of the war — it was a result, rather than a cause of the conflict. But even with the group defeated, the conditions that enabled its rise — the “ungoverned” spaces created by the fighting in Syria — remained. And to prevent any possible resurgence of the group, the US-led coalition has remained also.

While that might make sense from a geostrategic perspective, it makes the justification for the continued US presence in Syria unclear to the American public.

A member of ISIS in Raqqa, Syria on June 29, 2014.

Third, the war in Ukraine has become a focal point of international attention, including the attention of the American public. But consider a scenario in which Russia had not invaded Ukraine in February.

In that case, the end of US involvement in Afghanistan in August 2021 may have led to further public and congressional calls to end US involvement in other parts of the “Greater Middle East,” from Syria to Somalia — something Trump repeatedly threatened to do.

At the time of the Afghanistan withdrawal, the Biden administration argued that removing resources from Afghanistan would allow the US to focus those resources elsewhere, including continuing efforts to stamp out the last vestiges of the Islamic State in Syria. But leaving Afghanistan, especially the chaotic nature of the withdrawal, could also have fed calls for Washington to retrench its military footprint throughout the region.

Indeed, it initially seemed that the Biden administration would follow such a course. But events soon overtook any such plans. Well before any European countries, the Biden administration was aware that Putin planned to invade Ukraine and engaged in efforts to convince its European allies of the impending danger.

Russian’s continued troop presence in Syria may have contributed to Biden’s decision to keep US troops there as well, since doing so could ensure that Russia cannot fully redeploy its own forces to Ukraine.

That the war in Syria has become the “forgotten war” points to a more disturbing trend in US foreign policy: The United States is so engaged in wars and interventions around the world that a conflict involving the US military that has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians does not even register with the American public anymore.

Perhaps this is the price of playing such a paramount global role and of being the “indispensable nation” — that a nation is involved in so many conflicts, it can forget one of them.

Paul Poast is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Chicago and a nonresident fellow at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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