Adam Benjamin
It has been a rough year for tech stocks and the high volatility is still very much in play.
Navigating through the noise to add great companies to your portfolio at a discount could pay off.
The manager of an $8.7 billion tech fund has laid out the reasoning behind some of his top picks.
Taking over the $8.7 billion Fidelity Select Technology portfolio in January, in the midst of a huge style rotation away from growth was challenging, even for fund manager Adam Benjamin, who has run several tech-focused mandates for Fidelity since 2014.
He recalls: “It was a volatile time. There was a lot of non-fundamentally driven, indiscriminate selling going on across all subsegments of technology. Against that I had taken a more conservative, defensive tact within some of my tech funds, so that was my framework going into 2022.”
Three examples of this defensive positioning include Apple, Microsoft and Cisco, all of which sit in his top 10 holdings.
Having followed Apple for a long time his thesis on it has evolved over the years. It has become for so many people a staple, and it now effectively follows a subscription model.
“The model is largely misunderstood. It’s become way less hit-driven, way less dependent on the release of the new iPhone every September. It’s far stickier and consistent, which has led to an expanding multiple that is still not expensive when compared to the broader tech sector.”
He adds that 24.61% of his fund (at 31 July), Apple is his largest holding, hindsight showing the stock has fallen 6% year to date versus the NASDAQ’s fall of, roughly, 20%, he wishes he had bought even more.
Further, the company’s silicon efforts – namely its M1 and M2 chips – are giving it a new point of difference as “everyone from Amazon, Microsoft and Samsung to Google and Facebook have been trying to develop silicon”.
“They’ve done it for a while in their iPhones and iPads but it’s now translating to differentiation on the laptop side, giving a cost and performance advantage versus their peers. Being able to do everything from software through to silicon provides better product differentiation, better performance, better power consumption, and ultimately a lower bill of materials, which converts into higher margins.”
Of Microsoft, he says: “Late last year software – and specifically software-as-a-service – valuations had really blown up, moving from five- or six-times pre-pandemic to as high as 15 or 16x, which made much of that segment less compelling on a risk/reward basis. But Microsoft is a different animal. It is a software business but its rapidly growing cloud business gave me confidence in their business continuing to grow at a sizable rate.”
He chose to hold Cisco to “fill a need” in the portfolio as the world moved into a rising rate environment. He wanted a relatively inexpensive stock that boasted “a catalyst”.
Cisco had undergone a bit of a transition; it was a bit late to the cloud party but has been catching up – and is, admittedly, only a small part of the overall business. It did have a large server enterprise and service provider enterprise, two areas that were hit hard during Covid.
What the manager recognized was that after a two-year spending hiatus, businesses would be looking to upgrade their infrastructure as people returned to the office, particularly those adopting hybrid working practices.
Benjamin’s particular area of expertise is the semiconductor space. As an analyst, he specialized in this area, seeing it as a great way to gain exposure to the broader tech themes he follows.
It’s also gone through a period of evolution, with improved fundamentals taking away from its one-time highly cyclical nature.
He says the sector underwent much consolidation, improving profitability, gross margin and operating margins, while accessing some major secular themes in certain end markets at attractive relative valuations.
In that area, NXP Semiconductors has been a core holding for some time and serves as a strategic partner to many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the auto sector.
From battery management systems for electric vehicles (EVs), leading radar capabilities used in ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems), as the shift from internal combustion engines (ICE) vehicles to EVs continues, the level of overall semiconductor content is doubling, he explains.
“If you think about a car becoming more like a smartphone over time, that will require a full re-architecture of its electronics. It’s happening already, and will take time to fully roll out but that’s another area NXP is very strongly positioned.”
Exemplifying his appetite for seeking out future disruptors is artificial intelligence (AI), which Benjamin believes to be the biggest theme of the next decade. Nvidia is named as a potential future winner from that opportunity set, using its full-stack solution to help companies more easily deploy deep learning technology.