TL;DR: As of September 7, you can get the 2022 CompTIA and AWS Practice Exam E-Book Bundle for just $19.99 instead of $139.99 — that’s an 85% discount.
Landing that first IT job is hard, but showcasing a professional certification can illustrate that you’re a qualified candidate. For example, while a CompTIA credential doesn’t guarantee a job, it may help show potential employers that you’re knowledgeable and motivated enough to work through challenging study materials at a steady pace. One of your first steps toward that certification could be the 2022 CompTIA and AWS Practice Exam E-Book Bundle. This 14-part set from ExamsDigest is just $19.99 (Reg. $139).
IT certification study materials
Whether you’ve spent some time studying IT or you’re just starting out, these books may be able to offer some help. Test your knowledge with practice exam questions and theory on a range of exam topics and objectives — study AWS, Cisco, Microsoft, and Google, along with specific cybersecurity skills. If you’ve never learned about Penetration Testing, you can explore and internalize it with 162 pages of content, which you have access to for life.
With 14 e-books totaling well over 2,000 pages to study, this is a vast amount of information. So, of course, you can’t learn it all in one night, but that’s ok. The tech industry moves fast, but the foundations and skills you cultivate will stick and can be transferred as you move from one position to the next.
This training collection is provided by ExamsDigest, a high-quality online trainer for in-demand IT certifications. While these texts won’t guarantee earning those IT certifications, studying the material thoroughly may help you land that first job.
Save on over 2,000 pages of study materials for aspiring IT pros
It’s a lot to take in, but you’ll have a lifetime to complete it. For a limited time, you can purchase the 2022 CompTIA and AWS Practice Exam E-Book Bundle for $19.99 (Reg. $139).
Prices subject to change.
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2022 CompTIA and AWS Practice Exam E-Book Bundle
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