Trading ‘Please focus’ for ‘How are you?’: A listening strategy that’s helping some teachers improve the classroom experience

This story was originally published by Chalkbeat. Sign up for their newsletters at To her relief, Elissa Levy’s ninth graders remembered how to make friends when they returned this September to East Harlem’s High School for Climate Justice. But after spending prolonged time out of the classroom during the pandemic, they seem to have…

Americans support student loan forgiveness, but would rather rein in college costs

As President Biden inches toward an announcement on federal student loan forgiveness, a new NPR/Ipsos poll has found slightly more than half of Americans support what has been reported to be Biden’s likeliest path: forgiving up to $10,000 per person. But an overwhelming majority – including a majority of those with student loans – said…

States and localities pump more money into community colleges than four-year campuses

State and county officials used to think bachelor’s and graduate degree students deserved more money than those pursuing two-year associate degrees, but during the pandemic they changed their minds. Public two-year community colleges achieved a new budgetary milestone in fiscal year 2021 as they reaped 6 percent more money per student from state and local…

How parents can nurture children’s self-esteem without raising narcissists

Excerpted from “How to Raise Kids Who Aren’t A**holes” by Melinda Wenner Moyer. Copyright © 2021 by Melinda Wenner Moyer and excerpted by permission of G.P. Putnam’s Sons. All rights reserved. By Melinda Wenner Moyer First, I want to correct a misconception that many parents have about self-esteem. There’s a widespread worry that if you…