Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities with Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler

Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler joins Mike to talk about her work in access, Universal Design, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Sheryl shared how she got involved with accessibility in the early days of home computing and how that has evolved into her role at the University of Washington today. We talk about her book, Creating…

Navigating the Complex World of Math Education with Kathleen Almy

Kathleen Almy, CEO of Almy Education, joins Mike to talk about her experiences as an author, as math faculty, and most recently as a consultant helping community colleges develop effective and scalable developmental math programs that drive completion rates and student success. After hearing Kathy’s origin story, we explore the challenges and opportunities endemic to…

The Role of Higher Education for Displaced and Marginalized People with Dr. Jacqueline Bhabha

Dr. Jacqueline Bhabha is FXB Director of Research, Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights at the Harvard School of Public Health, the Jeremiah Smith Jr. Lecturer in Law at Harvard Law School, and an Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. Dr. Bhabha joins Mike to talk about her…

Understanding Adaptive Intelligence with Dr. Robert Sternberg

Dr. Robert Sternberg joins Mike to talk about his life’s work studying intelligence, creativity, and wisdom. He is Professor of Human Development in the College of Human Ecology at Cornell University. Bob recently wrote Adaptive Intelligence: Striving and Thriving in Times of Uncertainty and we spend time diving into the concepts and frameworks that are…

Predicting the Great Snapback with Dr. Steve Joordens

Dr. Steve Joordens is a Psychology Professor and the Director of the Advanced Learning Technologies Lab at the University of Toronto. He’s also the Chief Science Officer at Cogneeto, the developer of PeerScholar, a peer-to-peer formative assessment app. Steve returns to Trending in Education to talk about some predictions he’s making about how humans will…

Can Teacher Professional Development Be Saved?

Sarah Johnson is the CEO of Teaching Lab, a leading non-profit professional learning organization for educators. She joins Mike Palmer in this episode to explore why Professional Development or “PD” has a bad reputation among educators and how Sarah and team are trying to turn things around. We talk through the importance of teachers continuing…