Gaming Disorder recognized by WHO – Trending In Education – Episode 115

On this week’s episode, Mike, Brandon, and Dan dive into the recent release from the World Health Organization recognizing Gaming Disorder. Following up on our recent episode on eSports, we look deeper into the disorder and potential now for treatment. We also discuss the educational ramifications of this announcement. How might schools and institutions learn from…

Exploring the Skills Gap with Dr. Andy Temte – Trending In Education – Extra

Mike sits down with Andy Temte, the President of Kaplan Professional, to explore the future of corporate education, the emerging Skills Gap, and the blend of behavioral and technical competencies essential to leaders in the 21st century. Andy provides guidance and insights drawn from a long and successful career in education and management to help…

Blockbuster MooCs – Trending In Education – Episode 117

This week, Brandon, Mike, and Dan revisit Massive Open Online Courses, or MooCs. Are Blockbuster MooCs the way forward for online courses? How important is having well-known teachers lead these courses? How have universities leveraged their best teachers for long-lasting content? What kinds of roles are emerging for people passionate about teaching? And what sorts of courses…

Our ~100th Episode Celebration – Trending In Education – Episode 118

Mike, Dan, and Brandon celebrate the ~100th episode of Trending In Education. We take a little time to reflect on and celebrate the ride thus far. From Bror Saxberg to Tarlin Ray to Early Childhood Education to Torobo-Kun, we’ve covered a wide range of topics, articles, and ideas across our first 100 shows. This week we thank our…

Westworld and Learning – Trending In Education – Episode 119

Mike, Brandon, and Dan take a trip to Westworld to discuss the popular HBO show. Is the show must-watch television for developers and coders? How can educators incorporate programming like Westworld into their curricula? What can we learn from the series about artificial intelligence and machine learning? How does the Delos Corporation’s focus on data…

Building A Learning Culture – Trending In Education – Extra

In a special live presentation of the podcast, Brandon, Mike, and Dan explore how companies, managers, and employees alike can help grow a learning culture by fostering inclusion, interaction, and great communication amongst all employees. What’s one of the biggest skill gaps that companies see emerging within their workforces? How might a culture of learning…

The Rise of Voice Assistants and Smart Audio – Trending in Education – Episode 121

Mike, Brandon, and Dan discuss the growth of the voice assistant in every day life. How do we interact with Alexa, Siri, and other voice assistants? What amount of privacy are we willing to give up for the ease of use with voice? What are the applications of this emerging technology in learning and education?…

The Emerging Voice and Smart Audio Landscape with Michael Fitzpatrick – Trending in Education – Extra

Mike sits down with Michael Fitzpatrick, President and COO of Pullstring to discuss Voice Assistant technology and it’s applications in education and in life. They walk through the history of interactive audio and related simulation and explore the balance between data privacy and convenience. HAL 9000 would be so proud!