How Even Small UX Changes Can Result In An Increase In Conversion (A Case Study)

Sunuva is a global fashion brand for kids established in 2007. Today, their products are featured in famous luxury store brands, such as Bloomingdale’s, Harrods, Barneys, Harvey Nichols, and other luxury department store chains. This is a great example of how — after conducting a UX audit — the team and I at Turum-burum established…

How To Use Google CrUX To Analyze And Compare The Performance Of JS Frameworks

In recent years, frameworks have taken over web development, and React is leading the charge. These days it is fairly uncommon to encounter a new website or web app that doesn’t rely on some framework, or a platform such as a CMS. And while React’s tagline is “a JavaScript library for building user interfaces” rather…

An Encore? 5 Tips for a Second Career in Retirement

Dragana Gordic / Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on NewRetirement. For many retirees today, the secret to a successful retirement is an oxymoron; a successful retirement actually means work. But this type of work may look different than the career you’ve held for 40 years. Instead, there are a host of second careers…

Top Tasks: To Focus On What Matters You Must De-Focus On What Doesn’t

Let us start with a simple explanation of the word “task”. A task is something someone wants to do using your website or app. If you have a technology website, then tasks might include pricing, installation, and troubleshooting. If you have a university website, then tasks might include courses, lecturer/professor profiles, and accommodation. If you…

Rethinking Server-Timing As A Critical Monitoring Tool

In the world of HTTP Headers, there is one header that I believe deserves more air-time and that is the Server-Timing header. To me, it’s a must-use in any project where real user monitoring (RUM) is being instrumented. To my surprise, web performance monitoring conversations rarely surface Server-Timing or cover a very shallow understanding of…