Viral Thanksgiving grandma and guest celebrate together for seventh year

It’s Thanksgiving this week, which means it’s time to gather with family, eat a ridiculously large bird, and enjoy another update from unlikely viral friends Jamal Hinton and Wanda Dench. This is the seventh Thanksgiving the pair have spent together, after first meeting in 2016 thanks to a mistaken text message that went viral. Dench,…

Elon Musk says Twitter will give ‘amnesty’ to suspended accounts from next week

If Twitter seems like a garbage fire right now, just wait. CEO Elon Musk has announced a blanket pardon for almost all suspended accounts next week, allowing countless banned users to return to the maligned platform. Unsurprisingly, he abdicated the final decision to a Twitter poll. In a tweet posted on Wednesday, Musk asked the…

The US is still on the path to becoming a ‘fascist country’: sociologist

Pro-Trump protesters gather in front of the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 in Washington, DC. Jon Cherry/Getty Images Sociologist and activist Frances Fox Piven warned the US about getting complacent after the midterms. “I don’t think this fight over elemental democracy is over, by any means,” Piven told the Guardian.  She added that…