John Bolton says Donald Trump’s style is ‘old and tired’ and that voters have ‘just switched Trump off in their brain’

National Security Advisor John R. Bolton listens as President Donald J. Trump meets with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte in the Oval Office at the White House on Thursday, July 18th, 2019. Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images John Bolton said that Trump is “old and tired” in an interview with the…

Hitting the Books: Social media’s long, pointless war against sex on the internet

From the moment that people started getting nasty with Johannes Gutenberg’s newfangled printing press, sexually explicit content has led the way towards wide-scale adoption of mass communication technologies. But with every advance in methodology has invariably come a backlash — a moral panic here, a book burning there, the constant uncut threat of mass gun…

Marvel’s Midnight Suns contains “65,000 lines of voice dialogue”

Firaxis’ Marvel’s Midnight Suns contains “something like 65,000 lines of voice dialogue”. In a “special message from Firaxis” posted to YouTube, the team outlined their favourite aspects of the upcoming tactical role playing game, and it included confirmation that there’ll be a lot of cut-scenes and conversations as you foster relationships with your teammates. “I…