Check out this library of obsolete sounds, including plenty of clips of old tech

Obsolete Sounds is a new project that its creator Cities and Memory claims is “the world’s biggest collection of obsolete and disappearing sounds.” It consists of over 150 sounds that are increasingly rare, ranging from sounds used in retro video games, recordings of old-fashioned transport, and plenty of mechanical sounds from outdated hardware. Of course,…

USPTO, Copyright Office Joint Study on NFTs Could Help Dispel Confusion About IP Ownership in Media Content Underlying Digital Assets

On November 23, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the U.S. Copyright Office published a joint notice of inquiry in the Federal Register announcing that the two agencies would be collaborating on a study regarding intellectual property legal issues related to digital assets known as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The announcement follows the dramatic…

The Galapagos might stay cool as the world heats up

St-Barthélémy Island in the Galapagos. Nathalie Marquis on Unsplash This article was originally featured on Hakai Magazine, an online publication about science and society in coastal ecosystems. Read more stories like this at Pushed by climate change, almost every part of the ocean is heating up. But off the west coast of the Galapagos Islands, there…

The EPA is making eBay crack down on some car part sales

Snatching up performance parts from eBay may soon be a thing of the past. Deposit Photos This article was originally featured on The Drive. It’s no secret that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is cracking down on tuners. The regulatory body has essentially declared war on companies who manufacture and sell “emission defeat devices,” and its enforcement is…

The first private lander is about to head to the moon

The hot-tub-sized lander, made by Toyko-based company ispace, is carrying robots and a rock CD. Josh Miller/Unsplash The space industry has blossomed in recent years, with commercial rocket launches sending more craft than ever into orbit. But for private companies to explore destinations beyond Earth, which could catapult the space business into its golden age,…