Petoi Bittle STEM Kit open-source robot dog does tricks for both fun and learning

Have fun while learning with the Petoi Bittle STEM Kit little open-source robot dog. In fact, this gadget helps teach coding in Scratch/C++/Python and STEM through playing tricks just like real animals do. This tiny programmable robot pet has a compact design that’s been fine-tuned for an agile feeling. And its spring-loaded legs give it…

Apple Ditched Plan for $50 Apple Pencil With iPhone Support at the Last Minute, Claims Sketchy Rumor

Apple planned to introduce a new $49 Apple Pencil this year that was compatible with iPhones, but scrapped the plans at the last minute, claims a sketchy new rumor coming out of Asia. According to a Weibo post, shared on Twitter by DuanRui, Apple allegedly intended to release the new ‌Apple Pencil‌, codenamed “Maker” (or,…

We’ve reached the end of a bizarre Atlantic hurricane season

Enlarge / Hurricane Ian, as seen from the International Space Station. (credit: NASA) The Atlantic hurricane season officially ends on Wednesday, bringing to a close the six-month period when the vast majority of tropical activity occurs in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea. Prior to the season, forecasters generally expected a busier-than-normal…