December’s PlayStation Plus Essential games have leaked

December’s PlayStation Plus Essential games will be Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Biomutant and Divine Knockout. That’s according to reliable source Dealabs, which routinely leaks the list of games in advance. These games will reportedly be coming to PlayStation’s Essential subscription tier on 6th December, where they will remain until 3rd January. Read more /format/jpg/quality/80/mass-effect-legendary-ed-PS-Plus-leak.jpg” title=”December’s…

Evil West tech review: a smooth, blurry 60fps or a clean but stuttering 30fps – it’s your choice

Evil West is a remarkably direct take on third-person action, a linear and propulsive combat game with no open-world diversions, no loot, no crafting, and no side quests. The combat system at its core is fast-paced, responsive, and fair, and the B-movie style plot is well-told through a series of high-quality cinematics. Unfortunately though, the…