How to Make Data Safe and Networks Sound for Schools

Over the past two years, cyberthreats to IT networks have become stronger than ever before with increasing data security breaches in education, including ransomware attacks, phishing, and unauthorized disclosures. While everyone understands the importance of security, many struggle to know where to begin with limited resources. These threats will never be eliminated, but there are strategies to successfully defend campus information infrastructure. Join a conversion with fellow ed tech leaders and experts as they share best practices on both the technical aspects—software and services—and the human aspects—professional development and community education—of keeping your networks safe and sound.

We’ll be hearing from industry experts:
(for full bios see below)

Douglas A. Levin, National Director, K12 Security Information Exchange (K12 SIX)
Mike Treguboff, Director of Network Operations @Peoria Unified School District


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