How to Do Lost Riches Day 1 in Genshin Impact

There are multiple events and limited-time events that you can complete in Genshin Impact.

One of the limited-time events is to complete a treasure hunt.

You can start it by navigating to the event’s location.

Here is the day 1 treasure area clue, “Follow the Treasure-Seeking Seelie to search for the treasure”.

The map has a red circle that marks “Chatrakam Cave” where you’ll have to go to.

There is a total of 3 treasures that you can obtain.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to do Lost Riches Day 1 in Genshin Impact in the Lost Riches event.

How to do Lost Riches Day 1 in Genshin Impact

1. Teleport near Chatrakam Cave and equip the Seelie


Teleport to the Teleport Waypoint at Chatrakam Cave.Open your inventory and switch to the “Treasure-Seeking Seelie” gadget.

2. First Treasure – Collect 3 blue orbs and energy

Collect the first 3 blue orbs (the 1st orb is on top of a tree, 2nd is south of the tree, 3rd is next to a big tree).Go to the treasure area (the marker on the map) and fight the monsters.Obtain energy until you’ve filled up the “Seelie Vitality” bar.Open the Exquisite Chest (1st treasure).


3. Second Treasure – Collect another 3 blue orbs and energy


Collect another 3 blue orbs (the 1st orb is located north, the 2nd is west, and the 3rd is also west).Go to the treasure area (the marker on the map).Obtain energy until you’ve filled up the “Seelie Vitality” bar.Open the Exquisite Chest (2nd treasure).

4. Third Treasure – Collect the last 3 blue orbs and energy

Collect the last 3 blue orbs (the 1st orb is on a plant, 2nd is located north—you need to climb up a wall and drop down to get to it, and 3rd is west of the first orb—you need to jump on a mushroom to get to it).Go to the treasure area (the marker on the map) and defeat the monsters.Obtain energy until you’ve filled up the “Seelie Vitality” bar.Open the Exquisite Chest (3rd treasure).

You’ve successfully looted all 3 treasures near Chatrakam Cave!

Further reading


300+ Good, Aesthetic, and Cool Usernames for Genshin Impact

How to Solve Treasure Area 1 Clue in Genshin Impact

How to Solve “Seems like this chest cannot be opened yet” in Genshin Impact

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