Hasta la vista, 44

Tomorrow is my birthday. I turn 45. I’m feeling good about turning 45, better than I felt about turning 44, anyway.

I was going to write a post about turning 45, but then I remembered that I wrote a really good post about happiness and getting older last year. Situation Normal has grown quite a bit since last September, so The Secret to Happiness: A Mid-Life Report is new to roughly 68 percent of you! Here’s hoping the remaining 32 percent of Situation Normal readers like reruns.

Anyway, enjoy the story! And if you want to get me a present, you can share Situation Normal with your friends and enemies. That’s the best present in the world.


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Situation Normal
The Secret to Happiness: A Mid-Life Report
I turned 44 recently. Friends, family, and internet randos wished me happy birthday on social media. Mom called and sang happy birthday. My sister, Allison, sent me a Four Seasons Total Landscaping t-shirt because her sense of humor is as twisted as mine. My birthday fell on a Wednesday, so that night we flew casually. Christina took me for Armenian foo…

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