Destiny 2’s new Eruption mode is the best thing to happen to its PvP in years

Destiny 2’s new Eruption mode. | Image: Bungie

Bungie’s new Eruption mode for Destiny 2 is the most exciting thing that’s happened to the game’s player-vs-player (PvP) Crucible for years. If you remember Cranked from Call of Duty, this is Destiny 2’s version. You run around eliminating players in the Iron Banner playlist to build streaks, and then you’re hunted by the entire opposite team in an elaborate game of cat and mouse.

After a few frustrating years of Destiny 2 PvP, Eruption is fast-paced, rewarding, and very fun. I’m hooked.


Destiny 2 is known for its space magic and abilities, and Eruption cranks this up into a truly thrilling back and forth, whether you’re experienced at PvP or not. Eruption is Clash with energy boosts based on kill streaks. It’s like a mix of the Mayhem…

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