Edge Computing World (ECW) is back in person at the Santa Clara Convention Center from October 11th to 12th, 2022. In its 4th year, Edge Computing World has witnessed the massive amount of data created at the Edge and cataloged the emergence of the platform that will manage it. Edge Computing World will demonstrate where we are in adopting this new technology. From use cases to emerging technologies that will make Edge Computing economically viable and sustainable, Edge Computing World provides reality checks of where the industry is at the hot verticals, use cases, and technologies.
In the full article below, read more info about the free Edge Developers Conference, the paid Edge Executive Conference, and the paid Silicon Valley AgTech Conference hosted by ECW (Oct 11-12th, Santa Clara).
On the show floor, part of the free exhibit, ECW will showcase some of the most compelling use cases and technologies, including:
Twenty-five of the most innovative companies curated by the Topio Network community and finalists of the Edge Computing World Awards
Fifteen of the best applications built only with Edge Native Technologies
Fifteen Edge Computing market leaders, including AWS, Schneider Electric, Pratexo, Stackpath, Avassa, SixSq, EDJX, EMQ…
During the Edge Developers Conference, free to attend, developers will learn what edge computing is, the critical building blocks, and the fundamental issues during two full days of technical talks, startup discussions, talent development insights, and training.
ECW has two paid conferences during the event: The Edge Executive Conference highlights five Vertical Summits where we will review the emerging use cases, the primary critical drivers for each industry, and two Summits covering horizontal issues. ECW will be hosting Silicon Valley AgTech conference, where technology meets agriculture, Silicon Valley meets Silicon Prairie, and innovation returns to the farm.
You should check out this new vibrant emerging ecosystem. It will shape the world for the next twenty years. Visit their booths, talk to their leaders, and see their vision of edge computing deployment.
If you register to the site using the ubergizmo discount code, you will get a 10% discount on the paid conferences and will be entered in a draw to win a complimentary ticket for the conference.
Website – To register, please click here
Attend for Free Edge Computing Developer Conference in Santa Clara
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