Amazon has the Microsoft 365 Family Plan heavily discounted for Cyber Monday, includes a $50 gift card

SAVE $57.04: Amazon is offering the Microsoft 365 Family Plan at $92.95 on Cyber Monday at a 38% discount, which is its lowest-ever price. A free gift card worth $50 has been bundled in this package.

Microsoft’s Office apps are used by over 1.2 billion people, and the workplace would be incomplete without their existence. If you’re looking to have some email or presentation-building software at your disposal or to finally understand how VLOOKUP works in Excel, then look no further than this Microsoft deal on Amazon.

Amazon is offering the Microsoft 365 Family Plan for $92.95, which is 38% lower than its $149.99 MSRP. This is the lowest-ever price on this product at the popular retailer. To top it off, Amazon has bundled a $50 mail-delivered gift card at no cost and without an expiration date with this offer. With benefits worth over $100 with this package, you would be hard-pressed to find a better Microsoft deal at the moment.


Compatible with both Windows and Mac, this discounted plan offers 12 months of Microsoft Office for up to six people, with each subscriber in the group receiving 1TB of space to store their slides, emails, spreadsheets, and other digital files. Additionally, with the Family Safety app, you can safeguard your data, block spam, and set schedules for optimizing your performance.

While these apps are perfect for your work-based needs, they can also be useful in your day-to-day life. Excel can be used to compute your monthly expenses, while Outlook can help you create to-do lists and organize events and meetings. And with Word, you can finally start that book you’ve been meaning to write.

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