A 10-year fight to raise the minimum wage has slashed the Black-White wealth gap in half in some states. The South still has a long way to go.

The federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 for 13 years, despite attempts to raise it.
However, some states have taken matters into their hands and raised wages statewide.
In those states, workers make more, union membership went up, and racial wealth gaps shrunk. 

A raise for minimum wage workers injected billions of dollars into the economy over the last decade, according to a new report.

The National Employment Law Project analyzed the impact of local hikes to the minimum wage since 2012. That year marked the first action by Fight for 15, a worker movement calling for a $15 minimum wage. In the decade since, a number of states have moved to raise their minimums beyond the 13-year-old $7.25 wage at the federal level.

While the federal minimum remains stagnant despite some Democrats’ best attempts to raise it, 30 states have taken matters into their own hands. The result: Workers with more wealth, especially workers of color; more union members; and billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs in the economy, according to the report. Raising wages across states has resulted in $87.6 billion more in economic output since 2012, the report finds, supporting 452,000 jobs a year.

“The biggest finding is the equity impact of the fight for 15 raises,” Yannet Lathrop, a senior researcher and policy analyst for the National Employment Law Project and one of the report’s authors, told Insider. “We find that between 2013 and 2019, in general, worker wealth grew, but it was faster in states that adopted higher wages than those that didn’t adopt higher wages.”

In states that decided to bring up their pay for the lowest earners, workers saw their wealth grow by an average 74% from 2013 to 2019, compared to a 55% increase in wealth for workers in states that stick to the federal minimum wage. 


That increase in personal wealth was particularly concentrated for workers of color: In states with a wage higher than the federal rate, Black workers saw their median net worth grow by 174% from 2013 to 2019. In states that stuck with the federal minimum, Black workers saw just a 3% growth in their median net worth. While Black-white wealth gaps closed dramatically in states with a higher minimum — shrinking by 40.3 points — it actually grew in states that adhered to the federal minimum.

Meanwhile, Latinx workers in states paying more than the minimum saw their median net worth increase by 211%. Minimum wage laws disproportionally affect workers of color.  The Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning think tank, has found that 31% of Black workers and 26% of Latinx workers would be impacted by a raise to $15.

“It’s pretty significant, and it makes sense when you’re talking about who’s impacted by these higher minimum wages — typically those are underpaid workers,” Lathrop said.

Workers in states with a minimum above the federal rate are also more likely to be in a union, while membership in unions fell in states with the federal rate from 2011 to 2021. Union workers in those now more-unionized and higher-paying states saw their median hourly wages grow by 16.7% from 2011 to 2021, compared with a 5.2% hike for workers in federal rate states.

But those disparities among workers in states with a higher minimum wage versus those in states still adhering to the federal minimum wage means that workers in the South are left behind, according to Lathrop. In Washington, DC the minimum wage is $16.10 an hour, but five states — Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee — have no minimum wage, defaulting to the federal minimum. Fifteen states are still at $7.25.

“The South is also home to more than half of the Black population. So again, speaking of impact and especially of equity impact, the fight for 15 has accomplished so much, but there’s still a lot to do in the South especially,” Lathrop said.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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