Save over £280 on the De’Longhi Specialista Prestigio espresso machine this Black Friday

SAVE OVER £280: The De’Longhi Specialista Prestigio is on sale for £508.99 this Black Friday, saving you 35% on list price.

If you like your coffee black, and your prices Black Friday-flavoured, there are definitely some tasty deals for you on Amazon this week.

Take the De’Longhi Specialista Prestigio, a barista pump espresso machine, which has been discounted by over £280 — a sensational saving on a seriously good coffee machine for serious coffee lovers. The De’Longhi Specialista Prestigio is on sale for £508.99, a saving of 35% on list price.

This machine is geared towards perfect, customised flavour. It does that with grinding technology, with a sensor-equipped grinder that adapts to different types of coffee beans. It also has temperature control, which perfects the flavour extraction and maintains a stable, optimal heat. Pre-infusion technology adapts to the density of the coffee dose, once again delivering the very best flavour.


Also included are a My LatteArt steam wand, an easy-to-use control panel, and a smart tamping station. Indeed, ignore the above gag about black coffee, because this makes all kinds of espresso — however you like it.

The deal is available for a few days, ending on Nov. 29, but don’t delay like you might without your morning coffee, because hot Black Friday deals are already selling out.

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