Star Citizen has now raised more than half a billion dollars in crowdfunding

Star Citizen, the controversial space sim from developer Cloud Imperium Games, has now raised more than half a billion dollars in funding from backers.

Star Citizen’s exceedingly lengthy development is well-documented, with the game still in alpha over a decade after production began. And while it’s attracted some private funding in that time, the overwhelming bulk has come via crowdfunding, beginning with a successful $2m USD Kickstarter in 2012 and ballooning from there.

As of today, Star Citizen has amassed $500,075,150 USD in crowdfunding from a total of 4,096,384 backers, according to the official Roberts Space Industries website. Its previous major milestone of $400m USD raised was reached last November, meaning it’s taken a further ten months to accrue an additional $100m.


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