It might take a while to delete all your Facebook messages.
You can’t delete all your Facebook messages at once, but you can delete them one chat at a time.
To delete a chat on Facebook, go to the chat settings and click Delete chat.
To delete a chat on Messenger, swipe to the left, tap More and Delete.
Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps in use today, in large part because it’s available on nearly every platform.
But Facebook has never made it especially easy to manage your messages. For example, it took years for Facebook to give users the ability to delete an accidentally sent message from both the sender and receiver’s app — and even then you only have 10 minutes to do so.
But what if you want to delete all your messages from Facebook Messenger? Here’s what you need to know.
How to delete all Facebook messages
To delete all your Facebook messages, you need to delete them one chat at a time. If you’ve been a Facebook user for a long time and have a lot of chats, this can take a while.
Note: When you delete messages, you’re only deleting them from your own Facebook account. The messages will still be available to whoever you were having a chat with.
Here’s how to delete your chats on Facebook, via either an internet browser or the Messenger mobile app.
In a web browser:
1. Log into Facebook and click on the Messenger icon in the top right part of the top menu.
Click on the Messenger icon.
Stefan Ionescu/Insider
2. Click the chat that you want to delete.
Quick tip: To quickly find a chat, type the name of the person you were conversing with in the search box, and then click their name when it shows up in the search results.
3. At the top of the chat window, click the arrow to the right of the person’s name to open the chat settings.
4. In the menu that pops up to the left, click Delete conversation.
Click “Delete chat.”
Stefan Ionescu/Insider
5. In the pop-up window, confirm you want to do this by clicking Delete Chat.
6. Repeat this for every chat you want to remove.
In the mobile Messenger app:
1. Open the Messenger app on your phone.
2. Scroll to find the chat you want to delete.
3. Swipe the chat to the left, and then tap on More.
Tap on “More” after swiping the chat to the left.
Stefan Ionescu/Insider
4. In the menu that pops up, tap Delete.
5. In the pop-up menu, tap Delete to confirm your decision.
6. Repeat this for every chat you want to remove.