New PS5 update rolling out with 1440p support, gamelists, and UX improvements

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Sony is rolling out a new PS5 system software update that includes 1440p resolution support, a new gamelists feature, and UX and social improvements. Testing for 1440p on PS5 first started in July, and now all PS5 owners will be able to access the software update.

The new 1440p option allows PS5 owners to pick this resolution on compatible TVs and monitors. If games fully support 1440p then they’ll natively output at this resolution, otherwise 4K games will improve anti-aliasing by using supersampling down to 1440p output. The only drawback is that Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) won’t be supported at 1440p, and will only work at 1080p and 4K on the PS5.


This new PS5 update also includes a gamelists feature, which is essentially folders for…

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