4 young people describe how they’re dealing with inflation and soaring energy prices: ‘My working life has barely started and I’m already scared’

Young people without a steady income say they’re worried about a rising cost of living.

Rising inflation and energy prices have led to what analysts have deemed a cost-of-living crisis.
Young people without a stable income have been hit hard.
Three students and a trainee physiotherapist told Insider how rising costs have affected them.

This is an edited, translated version of an article that originally appeared on August 20, 2022.

A cost-of-living crisis is sweeping the West, with energy prices soaring and inflation hitting 40-year highs.

The UK think thank Institute for Government said the crisis has been amplified by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, which significantly added to economic pressures that were present from mid-2021.

Young people without a steady income are being hit hard. Insider spoke with three students and one intern about how rising costs are affecting their lives.

Jonas, 21, media and business psychology student in Berlin

I’m only 21, which should be too young to be feeling scared about my future, but I’m already having more and more thoughts about how I can secure my future after I graduate. The pressure to be financially secure is already so much higher than it was last year.

The energy crisis is putting a massive strain on young people like me, and I’d like the government to take our concerns seriously and provide us with some financial relief.

Because of the energy crisis, our landlord doubled our monthly gas bill. Thank God I live in a shared apartment and can split the monthly cost with my two flatmates, but it’s still an extra 30 euros on top of the 500 euros I spend on rent.

I’m lucky that my parents help me out financially, so after rent I still have around 500 euros left. I end up spending most of this on food, so I’m really noticing the high prices in supermarkets. I’ve recently stopped doing a weekly bulk buy in the supermarket.

Now I just buy a little bit every day. It’s partly to avoid the shock of the total cost, but it’s also to avoid having to throw anything away, as I simply can’t afford to do that. I also don’t buy expensive brand products, and I try to avoid meat as much as possible, as it just costs too much.

I also almost always cook at home so that I don’t have to buy anything out. You have to be quite creative when there’s not much money around.

Sophia, 26, trainee physiotherapist in Leipzig, eastern Germany


I work 40 hours a week in a job that is very physically demanding and which I’m only able to do because my parents still support me financially. I pay about 400 euros for my small one-room apartment, which leaves me with about 300 euros for everything else.


I always cook at home to save money, and I rarely have enough to go on a night out — but there’s hardly any time or energy for that after work anyway.

Before I started my training, I already knew that I would never become rich as a physiotherapist, but I did think that one day I’d be able to afford a slightly larger apartment with a balcony. I even thought I might be able to work four days a week at some point, but that seems like a crazy idea in light of the current situation.

It’s now just looking like we’ll all have to work even more. I see all the shortages in the hospital and I wonder who’s going to make up for that — I expect the government to help us more.

I don’t want to work until the end of my life and still not even be able to afford my own apartment, let alone a small garden. My working life has barely started and I’m already scared that I’ll have to live with money worries until I retire.

Iheb, 25, electrical-engineering student in Berlin

I moved to Germany from Tunisia to build a life and a career for myself. I work 20 hours a week as a student trainee alongside my studies, which earns me enough to pay for my food and rent.

I pay almost 500 euros a month in rent now, but if prices go up then it could get very tight financially. Although I’m now getting about 2 euros more per hour from my employer, I have the feeling that inflation will eat up that money immediately.

I was actually looking forward to traveling this year for the first time since the pandemic, but it’s impossible, as the flights are simply unaffordable. I already have to work all semester break just to be able to put some money aside.

I’d like to see politicians get involved so that young people can focus on their education instead of trying to work 20 hours a week on top of exams and lectures.

Antonia, 25, law student in Münster, western Germany


A month ago I received a notice that I owed 314 euros in back payments for gas. On top of that, I pay 35 euros per month for gas and electricity. I’m lucky that I found a one-room apartment in Münster for 460 euros, so I can still afford the 35 euros on top. However, I’m worried that the monthly payment will increase again.

I thought I’d have some money besides my rent money by the time I finished my studies so that I could start to save for larger expenses. But now I’ve even had to cancel my vacation because of the gas back payment.

Unlike other students, however, I feel privileged. My traineeship starts in October, and then I’ll have a regular income and won’t have to pay for health insurance, which takes some of the pressure off me.

Before prices shot up, I had thought about maybe starting my traineeship in December and traveling for two months after all the stress of the exams. But now I think I should start working as soon as possible. I imagined it all rather differently at the beginning of my studies.

I sometimes get the impression that the government is trying to stick generalized financial aid on the problem like a Band-Aid. I would find it much better if it were decided on a case-by-case basis how much support someone needs.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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