President Joe Biden speaks to union workers at Laborfest on September 05, 2022 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Biden is scheduled to speak at an event in Pennsylvania after leaving Wisconsin.
Scott Olson/Getty Images
President Joe Biden responded to a heckler during a Monday Labor Day speech in Milwaukee.
“Let him go. Look, everybody’s entitled to be an idiot,” Biden said after someone tried to interrupt his speech.
During his speech, Biden praised labor unions while showing support for the democrats up for election in November.
President Joe Biden responded to another heckler during a Monday speech in Wisconsin.
While the president was delivering Labor Day remarks at Milwaukee’s Laborfest, someone in the crowd could be heard trying to interrupt the speech.
“God love you,” Biden said after his speech was interrupted by the heckler as the crowd began to boo. “Let him go. Look, everybody’s entitled to be an idiot.”
During his speech, Biden took the opportunity to praise labor unions while also showing support for the democrats up for election in the November midterms, including Gov. Tony Evers and Rep. Gwen Moore, who joined him at the event, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.
The heckler was the second Biden responded to during a speech in less than a week.
During a Friday speech in Philadelphia, which he called “The Soul of the Union,” Biden was met with hecklers in the crowd shouting, “Fuck Joe Biden!”
“Look, our democracy isn’t perfect. It always has been,” he responded. “Notwithstanding those folks you hear on the other side there.”
“They’re entitled to be outrageous,” Biden added. “This is a democracy.”