Who is TylerLife (u/TylerLife)?

TylerLife (u/TylerLife) is a Reddit user that recently went viral on the internet.

He posted a story on r/TIFU (Today I F’ed Up) that got a ton of attention.

The story is basically about playing strange music while making love to his girlfriend.

It’s shared on almost every social media platform because of its humor and absurdity,

On TikTok, the “For You” page is filled with videos mocking Tyler.

In this article, you’ll learn who is TylerLife, what is his social media (Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.), and his music playlist.

Who is TylerLife?TylerLife’s social mediaTylerLife playlist

Who is TylerLife?

TylerLife is a Reddit user that posted a story on r/TIFU that went viral on the internet.

r/TIFU (Today I F’ed Up) is a subreddit/community on Reddit about people regretting the things that they did or doing something ridiculous.

The subreddit has more than 18 million members and was created on Mar 4, 2012.

Tyler posted a story about playing music while making love to his girlfriend.

However, his music choice was ridiculed by a ton of people because it sounded strange.

Apparently, his girlfriend hated the song and only told him 2 years later.

One time, he followed the rhythm of the song while doing the “deed” without the song playing.

However, his girlfriend recognized the rhythm and asked him to stop.

The original story got over 90k likes and more than 800 awards on Reddit.

Many users were commenting about how bad the song was and compared it to animal or robot noises.

Other users wrote pity comments for Tyler’s girlfriend for putting up with his song choice for 2 years straight.

TylerLife’s social media


TylerLife revealed his Instagram username on his Reddit profile.

Here is his bio, “@tylerrlifee insta I’ll reveal my playlist – TL vibing”.

TylerLife’s Instagram is https://www.instagram.com/tylerrlifee/.


He has 0 posts, 21 followers, and follows 21 people.

His account is set to private—so you need to request to follow him.

Tyler probably has tens of thousands of requests but he is yet to accept them.

His Reddit bio says that he is going to reveal his playlist on Instagram soon.

It’s probably a secondary account since it has no posts and almost no followers.

Also, it’s not known whether he has Twitter, YouTube, or TikTok.

TylerLife playlist


There’s no way this dude is real #cbat #hudsonmohawke

♬ Cbat – Hudson Mohawke

Currently, TylerLife has not revealed his playlist anywhere yet.

In his Reddit bio, he claims that he’s going to reveal it on his Instagram @tylerrlifee.

However, he hasn’t accepted any follow requests yet.

That said, there are a ton of people trying to create parodies of his playlist (with the main song Cbat – Hudson Mohawke).

A user, @elliott.bush claimed that he found Tyler’s playlist and uploaded it on TikTok.

The playlist includes “Sandstorm – Darude”, “Axel F – Crazy Frog”, “Astronaut in the Ocean – Masked Wolf”, and many other questionable songs.

The video has over 4.3 million views and more than 650,000 likes.

Although the playlist is not by Tyler, it seems like an accurate representation of what it might be.

Another user, @spaciousinfluence on TikTok, posted a playlist called “Naughty playlist” that only contains Cbat (45 minutes of it).

Further reading


Cbat Hudson Mohawke Reddit Meme

Reddit Guy’s Weird Music Meme

Nathaniel B Meme Meaning

The post Who is TylerLife (u/TylerLife)? appeared first on Followchain.

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