Karmaphala Wood Location in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact has multiple types of wood.

There are Fir Wood, Pine Wood, Bamboo Segment, and others.

Wood can be obtained by cutting down trees in specific locations.

They are used to create furnishings in the game.

Furnishings are furniture, buildings, decorations, etc., that players can place in their Realm Layouts in Serenitea Pot.

They can be created via Creation using furnishing materials (it can take 12 to 16 hours).

If you create a furnishing for the first time, you need a blueprint for the item (which rewards trust).

Examples of furnishings are stairs, cabinets, ornaments, and more.

In this guide, you’ll learn about the Karmaphala Wood location in Genshin Impact so that you can create furnishings.

Karmaphala Wood Location in Genshin Impact

Karmaphala Wood locations in Genshin Impact:

West of Port Ormos.Ardravi Valley, Sumeru Teleport Waypoint in Port Ormos.Around Pardis Dhyai.

Description: The wood of the Karmaphala Tree. One can easily get a nice, smooth surface while working on this material and obtain a rather eye-pleasing result without going through any sophisticated processes. Can be used to create furnishings.


The easiest way to obtain Karmaphala Wood is to go to Port Ormos.

The wood can be obtained by cutting down Karmaphala Trees.

You can find multiple Karmaphala Trees all around Port Ormos.

You can also find them around Pardis Dhyai, the trees with big orange and pink blossoms.

Using Karmaphala Wood, you can craft a few items.

This includes a Jubilant Posture, Sweetness in the Shade, and Deepwood Illumination.

Currently, there are no other uses for it other than creating furnishings.

Further reading


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Pine Wood Location in Genshin Impact

Fir Wood Location in Genshin Impact

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