How to “Take pictures of 3 Aranara of different colors” in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact has multiple events that you can participate in.

One of the events is the “Graven Innocence” event.

There are 3 activities at the event—Metamorphosis of Wood, Roaming the Jungle, and Meticulous Craftsmanship.

Roaming the Jungle has 4 parts, and the last part (part IV) requires you to take pictures of Aranara.

The part is called “Take pictures of 3 Aranara of different colors”.

Here is the description of it, “Adults cannot see the Aranara, so as far as they can see, the pictures they’ve attempted to take of them just come out as landscapes”.

“But even the landscapes in the photos can serve as a valuable reference”.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to “Take pictures of 3 Aranara of different colors” in Genshin Impact.

Switch to the dream worldOrange AranaraRed AranaraGreen Aranara

1. Switch to the dream world

Open the map and teleport to the “Statue of The Seven – Dendro”.Go to the south and play the “Rhythm of the Great Dream” to switch to the dream world.

If you’re not in the dream world, you need to switch to it to see the Aranara.

You can do so by playing the “Rhythm of the Great Dream” in front of the “plant” near the “Statue of The Seven – Dendro”.


2. Orange Aranara


Open your inventory and switch to the “Exquisite Kamera”.Follow the path and take a picture of the first Aranara you see (e.g. Orange Aranara).

3. Red Aranara

Find another Aranara of a different color along the path.Take a picture of the Aranara (e.g. Red Aranara).

4. Green Aranara


Find another Aranara of a different color along the path.Take a picture of the Aranara (e.g. Green Aranara).

After you’ve taken pictures of 3 Aranara of different colors, it’ll say “Picture-Taking Done”.

Select the compass icon > Graven Innocence > Roaming the Jungle > IV.

Collect all of the event’s rewards (200x Whimsical Draft, 20,000 Mora, and 2x Guide to Admonition/Ingenuity/Praxis).

Further reading

How to “Take pictures of Rishboland Tigers” in Genshin Impact

How to “Take pictures of Spinocrocodiles” in Genshin Impact

How to “Take pictures of Shaggy Sumpter Beasts” in Genshin Impact

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