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31-year-old Anita Garcia invested $22,000 of her down payment savings in the stock market.
Courtesy of Anita Garcia
31-year-old Anita Garcia was rebuffed on two offers rejected while trying to buy a home in 2020.
Instead, she invested more than half of her $40,500 down payment savings in the stock market.
Here’s why Garcia would rather invest than keep her down payment savings in cash.
Anita Garcia , 31, started saving up for the down payment on her first house when she was 18 years old.
The Monterey Bay, California native set out to buy a home when she turned 29. She enrolled in a local personal finance course to learn about the real estate buying process. By the end of it, having already saved $40,500 in cash for the down payment, she felt ready to buy.
“I put an offer into a condo the week before everything started to shut down because of the pandemic,” she says. However, the home appraisal revealed that the condo was worth $29,000 less than Garcia’s $404,000 offer. “There was a lot of back and forth between myself and the seller, and, long story short, it didn’t work out.”
Garcia made another offer on a single-family home in December 2021, but she was outbid by another buyer. She took the second failed attempt at buying as a sign to shift gears on her house hunt and make better use of her down payment savings.
According to records reviewed by Insider, Garcia invested $22,000 of her $40,500 down payment savings in the stock market. “I’ve sort of had a change of heart with that experience,” she says. “I’ve been trying to put as much money as I can into the stock market right now.”
Here are four reasons why Garcia is pivoting her wealth-building strategy to investing elsewhere instead.
1. She’s able to save more money renting an apartment
At the start of the pandemic, Garcia and her boyfriend leased a two-bedroom apartment and rented out the other room. “My part of the rent has fluctuated between $0 and $590 since 2020,” she says. Earlier in 2022, Garcia lived in a one-bedroom in-law unit above a family’s garage, which cost $1,100 a month.
After leaving a full-time government job, Garcia started working part-time at California State University Monterey Bay. With the new job, she qualified for subsidized housing and started renting a one-bedroom apartment with her boyfriend. Her share of the rent is only $510 a month, which is cheaper than any mortgage she might be able to get in today’s market.
“It turns out I’m in a really good housing situation right now, so I figured there’s no rush to save up for a down payment to purchase a home,” Garcia says.
2. Garcia is waiting to use her down payment on a property that can also earn rental income
At the beginning of her house hunt, Garcia set out to buy a condo or a single-family home. “I think it makes sense to get my first home, maybe when I have a family in their elementary school years,” she says.
Garcia is setting a longer time horizon for buying a home with different goals in mind. For example, she and her boyfriend have a dream of buying a small studio in Hawaii, using the property for an extended honeymoon, then renting it out afterward to make passive income. “The reason I have this down payment money is in case any opportunity comes on the market as a real estate investor, whether it’s a duplex or a studio in Hawaii,” she says.
She decided to hold off on building her down payment fund until she’s ready to buy and manage those properties.
3. She transferred $10,000 of her down payment savings into an I bond
Garcia now has $18,586 in her down payment savings fund. She decided to invest $10,000 of that into a type of savings bonds issued by the US Treasury known as I bonds. Unlike a regular savings bond with a fixed rate, I bond interest rates are regularly adjusted to account for the current inflation rate.
Each year, you can purchase up to $10,000 in electronic I bonds and up to $5,000 in paper I bonds. I bonds issued between November 1, 2022 and April 30, 2023 will earn 6.89%. You can cash in I bonds after 12 months. However, if you cash in the bond in less than 5 years, you lose the last three months of interest.
By transferring her down payment savings into I bonds, Garcia is letting her down payment savings grow passively until she’s ready to buy her first property.
4. Garcia would rather invest money now while the market is down
The stock market recently took a dip, and economists are predicting a recession in 2023. While stock prices are down, Garcia plans on investing more aggressively.
She says, “My mindset has totally changed from two years ago. I thought the right financial decision was to buy a home. Now I’m so comfortable investing that money because I know a different way, which is investing in the stock market through index funds.”
She adds, “My down payment savings account right now has about $8,500,” besides the $10,000 I bond, “and I’m planning on redeploying another $5,000 of that in the stock market. Right now, I’m definitely embracing the renter life and investing the difference.”