Monthly Archives: September 2022

Ex-eBay security execs imprisoned for stalking journalists who cover eBay

Enlarge / Former eBay executive James Baugh arrives at court for his sentencing in Boston on September 29, 2022. (credit: Getty Images | Boston Globe ) Two former eBay executives were sentenced to prison yesterday for cyberstalking and harassing journalists whose news coverage had rankled the eBay CEO. One other former eBay employee was sentenced…

Coroner lists Instagram algorithm as contributing cause of UK teen’s death

Enlarge (credit: ljubaphoto | E+) In a London court this week, coroner Andrew Walker had the difficult task of assessing a question that child safety advocates have been asking for years: How responsible is social media for the content algorithms feed to minors? The case before Walker involved a 14-year-old named Molly Russell, who took…

The US ban on hydrofluorocarbons is a climate game-changer

The US will start phasing out hydrofluorocarbon-filled product, like fridges, by 2040. Deposit Photos A lot of climate change-fighting strategies focus on removing air pollutants, or preventing them from reaching the atmosphere at all. While pretty much everybody these days can recognize carbon dioxide and methane as two of them, the US just joined around…